Barricade Shooting

Barricade shooting can be greatly simplified if the competitor takes the attitude that there is no barricade. The firearm should not touch any part of the barricade. If you allow the slide or the cylinder to come into contact with the barricade, it can cause your firearm to malfunction.

Stand as straight and in balance as you would if there were no barricade in front of you. If you are going around the right side of the barricade, bend your right knee and follow the firearm around the barricade onto the target.

If you need to go around the left side of the barricade, bend your left knee and follow the firearm around the barricade onto the target.

Keep back so you are not crowding the barricade.

If it is necessary to lean on the barricade in order to be able to see a target, make sure that the barricade can support your weight. You can check this when you have your walkthrough on the stage.

Barricade shooting is all about smoothness and balance. You want to avoid getting yourself into an awkward position because this can impact how well you are able to engage the targets.