
It is important when practicing shooting from a kneeling position to draw the firearm before kneeling and to keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Your finger should be outside of the trigger guard while you are getting in position. There are several different techniques that can be used to shoot kneeling. The most common one that you will see is the following:

  • From your stance, drop down on your strong knee.
  • Note that the trigger finger is outside of the guard.
  • The back, hips, and front foot of the competitor are perpendicular to the target. You should not be twisted.
  • To handle the recoil of the firearm, the competitor can lean into the firearm.
  • This stance is very similar to the Isosceles or turret stance that was discussed earlier in this manual. The upper half of your body will have the same positioning.
  • One of the advantages to going down on only one knee is that if you are required to move to another area to engage targets, you will be able to quickly move to a new position.