National Range Officers Institute

The National Range Officers Institute, NROI, was designed to establish a structure for the creation, accreditation, recognition, and maintenance for the members wishing to become match officials. Following the goals of the Range Officer Creed, the organization ensures that Range Officers are the best prepared and trained, to a same world-wide standard, in conjunction with IPSC/IROA officials. There exists a direct relationship between the quality of the officiating, and the quality of the competition.

Match officials duties may be broadly divided into two categories:

  1. Maintaining safety.
  2. Running the event.

The primary responsibility of IPSC Range Officials is the safety of the competitors, spectators, and fellow Range Officials. The Officials at an IPSC event are in total control of the range.

Range Officer (RO)

A Range Officer will explain the course of fire, in detail, to all contestants and ensure that their questions are answered. He/She will issue range commands, oversee competitor compliance with the written stage briefing and closely monitor safe competitor action. He/She will also declare the time, scores and penalties achieved by each competitor and verify that these are correctly recorded on the competitor’s score sheet (under the authority of a Chief Range Officer and Range Master).

Chief Range Officer (CRO)

A CRO has primary authority over all Range Officers, individuals and activities in the courses of fire under their control. He/she oversees the fair, correct and consistent application of the rules (under the authority of the Range Master).

Range Master (RM)

A Range Master has overall authority over all Officials, persons and activities within the entire range. This includes range safety, the operation of all courses of fire and the application of the rules. The Range Master is usually appointed by and works with the Match Director.

Match Director (MD)

The Match Director handles overall match administration including squadding, scheduling, range construction, the coordination of all support staff and the provision of services. His authority and decisions will prevail with regard to all matters except in respect to the rules, which is the domain of the Range Master.

RO Creed
  • Safety shall always be my primary goal, with efficiency and speed of the competition as secondary factors.
  • It is a privilege and an honor to serve as a Range Officer and I shall act accordingly.
  • It is my duty to assist all competitors in their attempts to accomplish their goals and not to hinder them by undue harassment and authoritarian behaviors.
  • I shall put aside personal prejudices and act as an impartial judge at all times.
  • I shall keep my opinions to myself and shall not be critical of any individual beyond the field of contest.
  • I will thoroughly familiarize myself with all current regulations, match rules and attendant subjects.
  • I will be firm and fair in all judgmental calls made during the course of a stage, and be prepared to state in a clear and concise manner my reasons for such calls to the particular competitor or any Range Official.
  • During the course of a stage, my attention shall be clearly focused on the particular competitor I am assigned to observe, and I shall not permit my attention to be misdirected or lax.
  • Prior to and during a stage, I shall never consume any alcoholic beverage or narcotic. I understand that if I violate this rule, I may be suspended or barred from serving as a Range Official in the future.
  • I shall confer only with my fellow Range Officers and Match Officials concerning the behavior of any competitor and any decisions to be rendered.
  • I shall exercise due consideration for the personal emotions of any competitor, and shall act in a manner so as not to embarrass or disturb the competitor any more than is absolutely necessary.
  • I shall strive to never give even the appearance of wrongdoing.
How to become an NROI Range Officer?
  • You must be a current member of IPSC Canada.
  • You must be a member for at least one year.
  • You must compete in at least three Level II matches.
  • You must successfully complete a Level I NROI Range Officer seminar.
  • You must earn three (3) supervised Match Points (work under the direction of a certified IPSC Range Officer).