First Match, What to Expect

Nervous about your first “public performance?” Most people are! Relax and enjoy it! This sport is fun! Moreover, everyone you meet had a first match too; we’ve all been there. The competitors and Range Officers that you will meet at competitions are friendly and helpful with new shooters. We all enjoy IPSC, and want to get you started right. Matches are just as much social gatherings as shooting contests.

If this is your very first match, please walk. Don’t run! Forget about speed at this time! Walk through the match – it’s the smart move. You will see competitors who move and shoot very fast. They have been doing this for years. Don’t try to imitate them. Do not expect to become a Grand Master on your first match. Such persons have years and thousands of rounds behind them. The only person to beat is you. Speed will come with practice and experience. To be good at this sport, you have to pay your dues, learn the fundamentals, and be able to apply them on demand. Think safe and smooth. Concentrate on getting all “A” hits. Think about what you are doing at all times. If you have questions ask an experienced competitor or Ranger Officer. People in our sport are always willing to help another competitor especially if they are new to our game.

Practical Shooting is very much a mental game. Concentrate on learning safe gun handling practices – speed will come with practice and experience. Finally, concentrate on controlling your gun. Always pay attention to your muzzle direction and to where your trigger finger is!