Safety Area, Boxing/Un-boxing

Safety Area

designated “Safety Area” at the range is provided for the boxing and un-boxing of your firearm. No ammunition may be handled in the safety area. This area is provided so that the competitor may check their holster and firearm without being supervised by a Range Officer. There will be a designated safe direction in which to point the muzzle of your firearm. You are also allowed to practice draws, dry firing, reloads (as long as no ammunition is handled), and other activities such as repairs, cleaning, and maintenance.


Boxing a firearm is when a competitor wants to place a firearm in a carry case, gear bag, etc. This can only be done in a “designated” safety area or under the direct supervision of a Range Officer. The firearm is un-holstered and placed in a carry case, all the while making sure that the firearm is pointed in a “designated” safe direction. It is strongly recommended that the competitor verify that the firearm is unloaded.

Un-boxing is when a competitor wants to remove a firearm from a carry case. NOTE: When un-boxing a firearm you should know which direction the firearm is pointing when the case is closed. That way when the case is opened the firearm will be pointing in a “designated” safe direction. This can only be done in a “designated” safety area or under the direct supervision of a Range Officer. It is strongly recommended that the competitor verify that the firearm is unloaded.