
The “Isosceles Stance” is one of the most popular stances that you will see used in IPSC. The competitor starts facing the target feet shoulder width apart, standing naturally erect. Both hands grip the firearm and are pushed straight out towards the target. A slight bend at each elbow may be preferred if the competitor is more comfortable and can handle the recoil of the firearm. The back, hips, and feet of the competitor are perpendicular to the target. The competitor should be in a straight line with the target, without any indications of twisting. To better handle the recoil of the firearm, the competitor can lean into the firearm. This would put more weight on the “balls” of your feet. When engaging multiple targets, the competitor pivots at the hips, keeping the eye-hand relationship intact.

The Turret Stance (Modified Isosceles) is the other most commonly used stance in our sport. It is similar to the Isosceles in that the competitor stands facing directly at the target. The feet are shoulder width apart, with the weak side foot being about 10 CM in front of the strong foot. The arms are outstretched equally towards the target. The positioning of the feet in this stance gives the competitor more strength to handle the recoil of the firearm.