Your First Match Needs, Range Etiquette

Your First Match Needs

When you come to your first Match, you will need to bring a minimum contingent of equipment. Don’t go overboard initially.

Your first match equipment should include:

  • Firearm.
  • Holster.
  • Magazine/speedloader pouches.
  • Minimum of four magazines or speedloaders.
  • At least 200 rounds of ammunition.
  • Hearing and Eye Protection.
  • Clothing, that is suitable for the season.
  • Knee and/or Elbow pads.
  • Water and food.

You also need information about the event you want to participate in. If possible try to obtain a match copy. A match copy will provide you with start times, location, round count, etc.

Range Etiquette

When attending an IPSC competition you should expect to spend the whole day at the event. If the event finishes early, that is a bonus. By planning to be there for the day there will be no need to rush. IPSC events are hosted by volunteers and they will be expecting everyone to assist them to make the event a success and run in a timely fashion.

Since you are new, you are probably wondering what you can do to help? Ask the Range Officer on the stage what you can do to assist them. Help is always required for brass picking, patching targets, setting steel, etc. It is always a good idea to let the Ranger Officer know that this is your first match. If you have a question or are unsure as to what to do, then ask the Range Officer. Only go on to the stage once the Ranger Officer has given the “Range is Clear” command. Do not touch a target until it has been scored, and stay out of way of the competitor who is preparing to shoot the stage. That is their time to prepare, please respect it.